Mission Statement:
The Testicular Cancer Network (TCN) is a consortium of testicular cancer awareness, support & research charities working together to save the lives of men across the UK.
To ensure that everyone has the best chance of surviving testicular cancer.
How we achieve our Vision:
TCN members agree to work collaboratively to ensure all charities are providing the same information and access to resources to their communities across the UK.
The TCN will promote April as the official Testicular Cancer Awareness Month in the UK – helping to raise awareness, reduce embarrassment & save lives.
The TCN will ensure testicular cancer education is available to every young person in the UK.
The TCN will liaise with the National Germ Cell Group to ensure that medical professionals are being taught testicular cancer education and relevant signposting.
Membership Criteria:
To be considered for membership of the TCN organisations must meet all of the following criteria:
Be a registered charity with the relevant commission in Scotland, England & Wales or Northern Ireland for at least one year and have one set of submitted accounts.
Provide a clear list of services offered to be published on the TCN website.
Nominate a representative to attend TCN meetings and speak on behalf of the member charity.
Have a focus on Germ Cell cancer and predominantly Testicular Cancer.
Agree to share knowledge and skills with members of the Testicular Cancer Network.
Agree to publish the stats for testicular cancer as agreed by the National Germ Cell Group, with the understanding that said stats would be agreed annually.
All current members must be in agreement for a new charity to join the TCN.
Membership of the TCN is currently limited to the UK.
All parties within the TCN will respect the values and aims of the TCN.
A Charity can choose to leave the TCN at any time, however if a charity appears to put the TCN at reputable risk, this is seen as gross misconduct and the charity will be asked to leave by majority vote.
To reduce costs, and to minimise the burden on single charities, membership of the TCN will require each organisation to act as lead charity for 24 months and chair meetings, publish
minutes etc in the normal manner. The lead charity will be nominated in alphabetical order, or by agreement via majority vote.
The TCN will meet on a regular basis, and no less than bi-annually.
All records including meeting minutes, approved logo’s etc will be stored in a shared Google drive accessible by all TCN members.
The branding colours of the TCN are to be Black and White. TCN branding and logo’s etc are to be agreed by all member charities, and only agreed branding is to be used.
As of February 2022, membership of the TCN consists of the following charities:
Baggy Trousers UK
Cahonas Scotland
It’s In The Bag
It’s On The Ball
The Robin Cancer Trust
Wendy Gough Cancer Awareness Foundation
The National Germ Cell Group (NGCG) will be invited to attend TCN meetings in an advisory capacity but is not a member charity and will not have voting rights. The NGCG representative may be asked to leave meetings when it is deemed there may be a conflict of interest.